Let’s cast back a couple of days to the first day in Samarkand, shortly after the dynamic, statuesque, and loveable Prince William and gang arrived in town. Within hours they met this really great guy, by the name of Alexander. It seems he was also the leader of a great empire, and a king in his own right. He was such a great guy to hang around, they dubbed him Alexander the Great Guy to Hang With, but eventually shortened it to just Alexander the Great because it was such a mouthful otherwise.
To commemorate their visit, Alex commissioned an enormous stone countenance of himself as a souvenir. It was so big that William found it difficult to fit in their saddlebags, so had to have it shipped home. It was such a treat that the now mature Jirichai and Sammy were trying to work it into their next theatre production, or at least find the ideal spot in the garden for it, maybe among the bougainvillea.