The Day the Elephants Filed through the Village

Bill Bensley , 2024

Acrylic on canvas
120 × 240 cm , 47.2 × 94.5 inch

While generally distant, Elephants would occasionally wander into the village if their foraging took them close. One afternoon, a vast throng of elephants walked directly into Luang Prabang and convened. William, the Captain and Sammy – enjoying a drink on their balcony – watched as they milled about, mixing with the people, poultry, buffalo, dogs, and statues, causing no havoc, and not discussing much, from what they could tell. The troupe seemed worried and on edge but not panicked or angry, restlessly shifting among the group.

As if on cue, the entire parade began to move and returned to the jungle without fanfare. Other than acquiring more of the typical leavings involving large herbivores, the town quickly returned to normal and the siesta resumed.

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