While William and Jirichai slept in one morning, Captain Banana and Sammy took a walk through the city, stopping at the palace to check on Amir.
Amir was out blowing bubbles at the fire in the Daşoguz Desert, so his majordomo allowed the two to wander the building and grounds unescorted.
On prominent display under a highly ornate, gilded arch was a statue of the like the Captain had never seen before. It was unusual in that it was a highly attractive woman, with all the right curves in all the right places. That wasn’t the unusual part, it also had the primary part of a highly attractive and virile man.
Sammy didn’t notice, but the Captain was very confused. Alex later explained that it was a highly prized statue of Hermaphroditus merged with Salamacis.
It didn’t alleviate his confusion, but he was intrigued. He would explore further.